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Investment Property

When you deal with Strata, you get the advantages of all these services:

Comprehensive property solutions– We provide the full range of services: investments, developments, finance, lettings and management, tailored to meet your investment needs.

A unique understanding of the UK property market – We concentrate on the areas generating high capital growth and providing the most competitive rental yields. Investors trust us to identify key site locations and stay ahead of the competition.

Extensively networked – Our established links with leading partners, particularly sales agents, gives us first option on land and property before it goes onto the open market. So our investors get notified of the best new opportunities before anyone else.

Maximising returns – Our negotiating power with sales agents and contractors achieves significant discounts on behalf of investors, creating substantial instant equity in every property or site we purchase, and substantial savings on building and renovating costs.

Minimising risks – We buy property at below market value, giving investors a buffer against any downward price fluctuations.

Competitive finance packages – We offer investors exclusive access to very competitive finance packages, minimising capital outlay and freeing funds for other investments.

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